Too Much Jaw Pain

Ask for a consultation with our dentists to discuss our procedure for treating TMJ and TMD pain. At Miami Valley Smiles, our comprehensive Dental care extends beyond teeth and gums.

Toothache, oral discomfort and dental sensitivity for a woman in pain while brushing her teeth in t

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. TMD stands for temporomandibular joint disorder. The difference between the two is simply that TMJ refers to the joint itself, while TMD refers to disorders characterized by inflammation or misalignment of the TMJs.

Chronic teeth grinding and clenching, often associated with TMJ or TMD, can lead to jaw pain, headaches, and migraines. Your trusted Mason dentist can assist in alleviating these symptoms and enhancing your quality of life through effective TMJ/TMD treatment options.

TMJ/TMD refers to conditions impacting the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), resulting in symptoms such as jaw pain, headaches, and difficulty chewing. Treatment options encompass lifestyle modifications, custom-made oral appliances, and, in severe cases, physical therapy or surgical intervention.

With our dedicated and personalized approach, our team is dedicated to aiding you in finding lasting relief from TMJ/TMD-related discomfort and enhancing your overall well-being.

What is TMJ/TMD?

TMJ stands for the temporomandibular joint, or the jaw joint. TMD stands for temporomandibular joint dysfunction and is a term used to describe any pain or problem with the jaw joint. To make things confusing, these two terms are often used interchangeably and are sometimes even called TMJD. For clarity, we’ll use TMJ to describe the joint itself, and TMD to describe the dysfunction.

It’s important to note that 90% of TMD sufferers are women in their childbearing years, which makes sense when we think about stress. Aside from stress, there are other factors that help explain this gender discrepancy. Women taking hormonal birth control tend to report higher instances of TMD, which may be due to hormone receptors in the jaw found in females that are not found in males. There may also be differences in the physical joint structure of female jaws versus male jaws. Women also tend to have more vitamin deficiencies that contribute to joint problems like arthritis and are more likely to report symptoms and seek treatment.

What causes TMD?

A woman holding her painful jaw
  • Stress
  • Teeth grinding and clenching (bruxism)
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Bite problems
  • Traumatic injury
  • Joint damage

What are the symptoms?

TMD manifests in the form of chronic pain and tension in the jaw that radiates into face, head, neck, and shoulders. If you clench and grind your teeth frequently or suffer from chronic headaches and migraines, TMD might be the source of your pain. TMD can also cause the jaw to be stiff which can make it difficult to open and close your mouth, and you may experience popping, locking, or clicking or the jaw when you speak, eat, or yawn.

Symptoms of TMD

  • Teeth grinding and clenching
  • Chronic jaw pain, stiffness, and tension
  • Myofacial pain – jaw, face, head, neck, shoulders
  • Chronic headaches and migraines
  • Jaw popping, locking or clicking

General Dentistry

  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Oral Hygiene
  • Gum Disease Treatment
  • Gum Recession Therapy
  • Mouthguards

Surgical Dentistry

  • Sedation Dentistry
  • Oral Surgery
  • Wisdom Teeth Extraction
  • Dental Implants
  • Root Canal

Cosmetic Dentistry

  • Invisalign
  • Veneers
  • Cosmetic Bonding
  • Smile Makeover
  • Bridges & Dentures

What Is The Solution For TMJ/TMD?

If any or all of the above sounds familiar to you, you may be one of millions of Americans suffering from TMD. If you’re tired of taking endless painkillers and still living in pain, we would love to help you treat your TMJ pain at the source. We don’t just treat your symptoms, we actually prevent the pain from happening in the first place. Imagine being able to prevent a migraine before it even starts.

In order to provide the optimum treatment for you, we need to understand what’s causing your dysfunction. Depending on the cause and the severity of your case, we can provide a number of different treatment options to correct the problem, minimize the damage, and put an end to your chronic pain.

TMJ Home Care

The first step to recovery is recognizing the problem. Pay attention to when you get stressed and start clenching and grinding and make a conscious effort to stop. You can do some gentle stretching and massage techniques to help with the tension, and use a cold compress if necessary to reduce pain and swelling. Avoid chewing gum or other habits that may inflame the jaw.

Custom Mouthguards For TMD

One of the biggest factors that can cause and exacerbate TMD symptoms is teeth grinding and clenching. A custom mouthguard or night guard can work wonders to minimize nightly tension caused by clenching and grinding and protect your teeth from being worn down over time. A simple mouthguard could be all it takes to put an end to your chronic pain.

Orthodontics/Restorative Work

If your TMD is caused by a misalignment of your teeth or problems with your bite, we may be able to correct the problem by adjusting your teeth. If your bite is crooked or otherwise problematic, we may be able to correct it by aligning your teeth with Invisalign. If you have excessive bite forces on your teeth, we may be able to correct the problem with restorative dentistry by changing the shape of the teeth in the back and eliminating the pressure points.

Jaw Surgery

If your TMD is severe or caused by a traumatic injury or a problem with the joint itself, you may require oral surgery to correct the joint. Jaw surgery is always a last resort, but if it could eliminate your pain, it might change your life.

Schedule An Appointment For Your TMJ/TMD Evaluation

At Miami Valley Smiles in Mason, Ohio, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. If it’s been a while since your last dental check-up, or if you’re due for a cleaning, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us. Your oral health is our top priority, and we’re here to provide you with the best care possible. For more information or to book an appointment, contact call us directly.